Sunday, August 4, 2013

Is It Wednesday Yet?

My first time at PSG, one of my camp-mates recalled reading somewhere that you can only live with the same group of people for three days before you start to go mental. Since we had arrived at PSG on a Sunday, we figured that we’d want to kill each other by Wednesday. Luckily, that never happened. However, I have been in Ireland for two weeks, and I can feel Wednesday brewing on the horizon.

Now don’t get me wrong. The people that I am staying with are all truly lovely people, and I am very lucky to be living with such a diverse and talented group of individuals. Nevertheless, I enjoy my independence and I enjoy the freedom of not being accountable to the same group of people 16 hours each day. Also, I have realized that being away from some people for too long—ahem, Morgan—leads me to make what I think are funny, albeit inappropriate, comments at what I think are funny, albeit really inappropriate, times. I guess I’m only gifted enough to pretend that I’m a good person for a two week span. Well, my housemates will get to meet the real me then.

Anywho, departing from that note. The past week has been good to me. On Wednesday we got a chance to tour Kylemore Abbey. (Look it up on Google, you’ll instantly recognize it.) The Abbey beautiful, as was the surrounding landscape. We were also scheduled to go hiking at one of the national parks; however, it was raining and rather foggy. Instead we ended up heading up the road a bit to visit a sheep and wool museum and to taste some hot whisky. All things considered, it turned out to be a good day.

I have been finding some time to dance in the evenings which makes me very happy. It’s hard to dance for extended periods of time as the only spaces available to me are concrete. My knees and ankles are not very happy with me at the moment. Still, I can’t lay off dance for too long, especially not with all that I have been eating!

Speaking of eating, I always thought that the Irish love for potatoes was something of a bad stereotype. I am, however, quickly being proven wrong. Every morning for breakfast and every evening for supper, the table is stacked with two or three different types of potatoes. I feel like I’m back in Plover living under the regimes of the potato baronies.

The course is going well. I am finding myself to be a lot more confident when speaking Irish, even though I make mistakes often. I did my first oral examination this last week, and, while not perfect, I think that it went well. I was really very calm about it, and I think that helped a lot.

Okay, I’m off to do homework now. Slán agaibh!

1 comment:

  1. you know what's better than Wednesday? An abortion on Wednesday....
